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Biden Climate Fund Allegedly Sending "Disappearing Money" To Haiti

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Judicial Watch claims in a new report the U.S. government's Haiti aid program has recently been criticized for its alleged fraud and corruption, and that it has not been effective in helping the country's citizens. Despite this, the Biden administration plans to send tens of millions of dollars to Haiti under the Caribbean climate funding program. 

During a meeting in the Bahamas, Vice President Kamala Harris announced a new allocation of $100 million from American taxpayers. The funds are reportedly intended to provide support for the Caribbean region, including transitioning to renewable energy, addressing climate change, and building resilience. The funds also reportedly would be allocated towards addressing energy, food security, and humanitarian needs in the different islands.

The announcement for this month reveals that Haiti will receive the largest amount of money. However, concerns have reportedly been raised about the lack of oversight for the billions of U.S. aid that have been sent to the country over the years. Billions of U.S. assistance, along with billions from the international community, have not made a significant impact. 


Since the earthquake in 2010, Haiti has received over $5.6 billion in aid from various sources, including the United States government. However, progress in the country's recovery has been slow and it is unclear how the funds have been utilized. According to the State Department, the funds were intended to provide post-disaster relief, recovery, reconstruction, and development programs to Haiti. 

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The U.S. government allegedly mobilized a whole-of-government effort to provide immediate assistance to the Haitian government upon their request after the 2021 earthquake. However, according to the State Department, Haiti's reconstruction and development are expected to be ongoing for several more years. The State Department says they have provided $278 million in humanitarian and health assistance to Haiti since 2021.

The United States has provided financial assistance to Haiti under various administrations, regardless of political affiliation. However, there have been reported issues with the alleged effectiveness of the programs that have been funded. For instance, an alleged initiative to build housing in Haiti reportedly did not achieve its intended results despite an alleged significant investment of $90 million by the U.S. government. Tens of thousands of Haitians reportedly continue to be without homes even after a decade. 

The Clinton Foundation and Clinton Bush Haiti Fund supposedly contributed $88 million towards earthquake recovery efforts in Haiti. However, Haiti allegedly continues to face significant challenges as the poorest country in the western hemisphere. 

Prior to the earthquake, a federal audit found that a significant amount of American taxpayer funds were spent on unsuccessful projects in Haiti. The largest portion of these funds, $170.3 million, was allegedly allocated to a port and power plant initiative that was reportedly heavily endorsed by Bill and Hillary Clinton. 

The power and port venture supported by Clinton was reportedly identified as the largest and costliest failure in the investigation. The audit was initiated by a Florida congresswoman who expressed concern about the lack of progress and accountability in Haiti's reconstruction projects. 

Many Haitians allegedly continue to reside in poor, makeshift communities, and there is an ongoing outbreak of cholera that is causing fatalities. The United Nations reports that a significant portion of the Haitian population is experiencing food insecurity. Additionally, armed gangs have reportedly taken control of much of the capital city, Port-au-Prince.

But the current status of U.S. aid to Haiti and the rationale behind the government's decision to continue providing taxpayer dollars despite alleged concerns about its effectiveness in assisting the Haitian population has not been immediately made clear.

In the past year, the Biden administration provided Haiti with $56.5 million in humanitarian aid. The aid was reportedly intended to address the country's humanitarian crisis and cholera epidemic. Now, this month, $54 million has reportedly been allocated to address the humanitarian situation in the island, which includes alleged gang violence that has affected the access of Haitians to basic necessities such as food and safe drinking water. 

A sum of $10.4 million has reportedly been allocated to Haiti's agricultural and livestock sector to improve productivity and resilience, which is expected to enhance food security. According to a recent announcement by the U.S. government, the new funding will provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable Haitians, including food assistance. Furthermore, the funds will allegedly facilitate access to safe drinking water and healthcare, as well as provide assistance to survivors of gender-based violence and other protection services for those who are most at risk.

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